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Tag: "the self"

Who Are You?

by Joel Marks
[Issue 61: May/June 2007: Moral Moments]

Enhancing Humanity

Ray Tallis peers into the future, without fear.
[Issue 61: May/June 2007: Human Futures]

Descartes’s Method of Doubt by Janet Broughton

Harry Bracken frets about Janet Broughton’s non-historical book on Descartes’ ideas.
[Issue 43: October/November 2003: Books]

Peirce and Sartre on Consciousness and the Ego

David Boersema describes how two very different thinkers were on the trail of similar ideas about the nature of consciousness.
[Issue 43: October/November 2003: American Pragmatism]

Susan Blackmore

Susan Blackmore is a well-known cognitive scientist, psychologist, lecturer and author. She has just written a textbook on consciousness. Rick Lewis asked her about her journey from parapsychology to the study of consciousness.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Interview]

Philosophy & Divination

Trevor Curnow compares the reliability of oracles ancient and modern.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Philosophy & the Paranormal]

Designing Androids

Antoni Diller says that robots must be taught how to learn.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Articles]

Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences

Joe Fearn asks whether the idea of out of body experiences is intelligible.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Philosophy & the Paranormal]

Spooky Stories

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Editorial]

Why You Can’t Read My Mind

We had no idea that Paul MacDonald intended to write this article.
[Issue 42: July/August 2003: Philosophy & the Paranormal]

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